We have various level USTA Leagues here at Flint Canyon. Our leagues are for our club members, unless you have been invited on by the team captain. (Please keep in mind, the number of teams may vary as each team is captained by one of our members who’s kind enough to volunteer for the job.)
If you are interested in joining one of our league teams please let us know and we can give you further information.
Adult Winter Season: Usually starts early January and goes through Mid-March. (5 Courts – 2 Singles, 3 Doubles Teams)
Men’s 4.0
Women’s 4.5
Women’s 4.0
Women’s 3.5
Women’s 3.0
8.0 Mixed Doubles (only 3 courts)
7.0 Mixed Doubles (only 3 courts)
Adult Spring Season: Usually starts in late March and goes through July (5 Courts – 2 Singles, 3 Doubles Teams)
Women’s 4.5
Women’s 4.0
Women’s 3.5
Men’s 55+ (7.0 combo – only 3 courts)
Men’s 55+ (8.0 combo – only 3 courts)
Adult Summer Season: Usually starts mid July and goes through mid September (3 Courts of Doubles Teams)
Tri-Level Women 4.5/4.0/3.5
Tri-Level Women 4.0/3.5/3.0
Tri-Level Mixed Doubles 4.5/4.0/3.5
8.0 Mixed Doubles (40+)
7.0 Mixed Doubles
Adult Fall Season: Usually starts in September and goes through December (3 Courts of Doubles Teams)
Men’s 4.0
Women’s 4.5
Women’s 4.0
Women’s 3.5
Women’s 3.0
Tri-Level Mixed Doubles 4.5/4.0/3.5
JR Team Tennis (Spring & Fall Seasons): Matches are held on Sundays
Spring Season usually starts in March and goes through beginning of June
Fall Season usually starts in October and goes through December
10s, 12s, 14s & 18s – Singles & Doubles Matches (Various levels available within each age grouping depending one each season)